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Plato &. Freud

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Woolf V. Mead

Virginia Woolf: 1. It is useful to point out that this essay was originally delivered to women students at two Oxford  colleges. Ask your students to identify what evidence there is to suggest Woolf was aware of the  nature of her audience. I think that the sensitivity shown towards obstacles women would and have faced shows clearly that she was aware of here female audience. Also you can sense a change of tone when it comes to addressing opinions of males. 2. What do the chapter headings from Trevelyan’s History of England (para. 6) reveal about historians’  concerns? The chapter headings portray that women had little assistance in great movements and that their primary duties were to marry and bear children. 3. What would Woolf propose as the most important changes in society that would alter the situation most  talented women find themselves in? Why does talent make a woman’s situation especially difficult?  Woolf proposes that...

Wollstonecraft, Kozol, & Woodson

1. Define the phrase "pernicious effects" on the basis of what is stated in the essay. The effects caused by genderized roles in society. 2. Is it possible to compare women with property on the basis of this essay? 3. Clarify in what way the “unnatural distinctions” affecting women in society cause them to behave as Wollstonecraft says they do. Do you feel it is a genuine cause- and-effect relationship? Women in society are prevented from fullfilliing their moral duties. 4. Describe Diversity in Schools according to Kozol and what your definition would be. Including present day civil right issues in lessons, have a mix of ethnicities together. 5. What does Woodson mean by mis-education?  He is referring to the Africans and African American peopled are not preoperly educated due to the disadvantages that easily come with being a minority.

Montessori VS Dewey

1. What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori?            Prepare the lessons from observation of the students. 2. How does school furniture affect the education of the child?           They have been deemed  restricting and  unnatural, it is assumed that            physical  conditions affect mental conditions. 3. What effect does freedom have on the education of the child?         Gives the child the ability to recognize true calling, indulge  in natural progress,  and encourages them to think more creatively. 4.What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?        By relating new material in ways that the students should be able to related to past experience or knowledge. 5. What conditions must exist for the student to use thinking in education?   ...

Adam Smith

Adam Smith says that specialization makes workers feel dignified their labor in benefit that happy workers work harder. Smith says that consumer capitalism benefited the poor, he believed that the surplus wealth would allow people to buy things to help them be happier. Smith believed that the rich only accumulated money for respect and honor rather than greed, he thought that by giving the rich awards and status for humanitarian acts it would encourage them to do it more often and influence other wealthy people to do the same. Adam Smith thought the education of consumers would save the economy by persuading them that they needed better quality and that the price is worth living a quality life. I say that workers that feel important and well paid work better than those who do not. I think that in order for the economy to capitalize off of the wealthy they should be taxed at the same rate as other classes and not afforded exemptions like inheritance. Smith's theory would not be...

Blog 7

Galbraith suggests that America is now an affluent society. I say that a country in debt cannot truly be affluent, we have great potential in the matter. Even though the country has potential if the citizens that make up the country aren't financially abundant can the country be. If there are people sleeping in alleys and dumpsters versus people have a multitude of beds in their home can you say the country as a whole are wealthy? Signs of affluence would be property, liquid assets, and money. The results of affluence have mostly been corruptivity and power over those who have less. I very much agree that the government should afford every able body with a opportunity to work. There are many people who would like to work but due to their social class, race, lack of experience, and many other factors they are discriminated against. The livelihood of your family could be at the hands of an employer and they are judged based on things they may not necessarily even be able...

Marx & Carnegie

Marx Marx divided people into two classes the bourgeoisie and the proletarian. The bourgeoisie would be the business owners, employers of waged labor, and owners of social production methods. The proletarians would be the working class, those who have no methods of production,and those that sell their labor for welfare. The expanding world market for goods affect national identity by encouraging productivity to amend to supply to fulfill much and more than is being demanded. It also increased overall wealth and caused the working class to be more overworked and under payed. Communism is posed to benefit the proletariat  by ridding them of social labels. Having equal land or property as capitalist. Proletariat will not be forced to work for welfare but as a duty. Carnegie Carnegie believed that "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced." I say that anyone who becomes abundant in wealth should give back to those who are less fortunate than them. ...