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Blog 7

Galbraith suggests that America is now an affluent society. I say that a country in debt cannot truly be affluent, we have great potential in the matter. Even though the country has potential if the citizens that make up the country aren't financially abundant can the country be. If there are people sleeping in alleys and dumpsters versus people have a multitude of beds in their home can you say the country as a whole are wealthy? Signs of affluence would be property, liquid assets, and money. The results of affluence have mostly been corruptivity and power over those who have less.

I very much agree that the government should afford every able body with a opportunity to work. There are many people who would like to work but due to their social class, race, lack of experience, and many other factors they are discriminated against. The livelihood of your family could be at the hands of an employer and they are judged based on things they may not necessarily even be able to change. I think that if we are truly a country of equal opportunity then that should be proven and not just taunted.
