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Montessori VS Dewey

1. What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori? 
          Prepare the lessons from observation of the students.

2. How does school furniture affect the education of the child?
          They have been deemed restricting and unnatural, it is assumed that           physical conditions affect mental conditions.

3. What effect does freedom have on the education of the child?
        Gives the child the ability to recognize true calling, indulge in natural progress,  and encourages them to think more creatively.

4.What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?
       By relating new material in ways that the students should be able to related to past experience or knowledge.

5. What conditions must exist for the student to use thinking in education?
      Engage students in shared activities, reproduce real life situations that are relevant to lesson, and focus on the student's  ability to think.   


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