1. Consider the issue of what it is we know when we rely on our senses. Is sensory knowledge as unreliable as Plato thinks it is?
Personally, I believe that each individual's perception is based on a number of factors. Those factors become how we analyze the things we sense which in fact can be from a faulty point of view.
2. Are we materialistic when we praise sense perception? What are the alternatives to any such materialism arising from overvaluing (or solely valuing) sense experience?
In opinion, I believe that our praise of sense perception would be more narcissistic than materialistic. I think it is the cause if lack of conscience knowledge.
3. If we could perceive the world beneath sense experience, what would it be like?
I find it hard to answer this question as I can not predict a different reality. I would guess that our perception would rathe be based off of facts and conscience which I believe would create a more just world.
4. I often ask my students to choose a sense that they do not already have and add it as a sixth sense that cannot be a merger of any of the five. It has to be new—not smelling, seeing, or hearing from a great distance. If nothing else, this exercise helps them begin to realize how hemmed in we are by our senses — particularly when I point out the ultimate similarity of touch, taste, and odor, three of the five senses that constitute virtually one sense with three “flavors.”
I believe that we all have a sixth sense that allows us to feel energy in one another as well as judge the nature and intent of it when and if our conscience are clear.
1. Do you feel your dreams have a significance that would be useful to understand?
I believe all dreams are a merely a way of representation of our conscience.
2. What dreams most mystify you?
Every dream I can accomplish to remember mystifies me. In particular, the dreams that include people I recognize tend to catch my interest the most.
3. Which dreams are frightening? Describe a recent frightening dream.
The dreams I feel most frightened are the ones that wake me in feeling realistically endangered. I recently had a dream that I was confronting an acquaintance about gossip and I felt a presence that felt malicious and prominent. I always sleep with a night light but as I abruptly awoke scared to find all the lights off. Once I started to get up to check my night light it turned back on.
4. Why do you think most people forget their dreams?
Memory is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger and easier it is in use. Many people have problem recalling where they placed an item they had five minutes before.
5. Is dreaming a mental activity?
I do believe that dreaming is a mental activity as our brains never sleep.
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