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Lao Tzu Vs. Machiavelli

Lao Tzu says the government should provide the people with their necessities and eliminate factors that cause imbalance. He says that by the power of state being minimized it gives the people the opportunity ton make better choices on their own. Tzu believed that repression causes the people to be dejected and deceitful. He says that governing should be based on simplicity, patience, and compassion.

Machiavelli says that the duty of governing is to bring honor to the people and to defend the state against threats inside and outside. Machiavelli felt that a good leader should be feared and unapproachable. He says that cruelty keeps the people loyal and united. He says that governing should be accord to how things are and not how they should be. Machiavelli's strategies are directed to keep and build power mostly based on psychological manipulation.

I say that Lao Tzu's strategies are altruistic. He believed in a state of wholeness and balance by peaceful measures. I say that his strategies are ideal for how people should be governed. I say that Machiavelli's strategies were promoting cyclical corruption. I say eventually people that live in fear find a way to revolt. Eventually the corrupt traits will be exposed by the people and you will become hated.
